Budget 2022 has been described as an investment in our future as the government attempts to tackle the rising cost of living.
Free GP care is being made available for children aged 6 and 7.
The price of cigarettes and fossil fuels has gone up as welfare payments get a boost from the Government.
Minister Paschal Donohoe signalling the end of pandemic politics and a return to a normal budget.
A €5 rise across the board in social welfare payments and the pension is offset by increasing carbon taxes.
Income tax rates have been changed to increase the point at which people will pay the higher rate.
Sinn Féin's Pearse Doherty, paraphrasing Winston Churchill, has described the budget as a con job.
Other standout measures include price freezes for childcare, free contraception for women aged between 17 and 25 and half price transport for people aged under 24.