Gardai have been given the power to close a pub or restaurant breaking Covid 19 laws for up to 30 days.
The Justice Minister says most premises have been complying with the regulations.
While 16 million euro is being made available for pubs, bars and nightclubs who've been hit by Covid-19.
Pubs that are currently closed will be able to apply for a grant of up to 35,000 euro to help them to reopen.
It's after the government increased the Restart Grant by 40 per cent for those who are still unable to open.
The cabinet signed off on the measures after they agreed not to allow all pubs to reopen on Monday.
Government Announces €16m Package for Pubs, Bars and Nightclubs
— MerrionStreet.ie (@merrionstreet) August 28, 2020
Taoiseach @MichealMartinTD - "Our core values will ensure we continue to suppress COVID-19 to allow our economic, social and cultural life to safely recover and flourish into the future."https://t.co/X6HW2DvDVv pic.twitter.com/EUeDgwJNon